
Instructional Design

::Workshop on Instructional Design::

On March 5, 2005, content developers and instructional designers from leading e-learning companies attended a workshop on Instructional Design (ID) by Ms. Punam Medh at the Industrial Development Center (IDC) IIT Mumbai. Punam Medh is an e-learning consultant.

Punam splendidly started the session with a story from Panchatantra that encompassed all the aspects of Instructional Design. She proceeded by talking about learning theories that describe how we learn, and briefly discussed some well-known learning theories including Behaviorism, Cognitivism, Constructivism, and Social Learning theories.

Punam explained a generic ID framework and how learning theories influence ID theories. She then elaborated on how ID theories provide explicit guidance and help people to learn better.

She then spoke about the Instructional Systems Design (ISD) model used for designing e-learning courses. The ISD model comprises of five stages - Analysis, Macro design, Micro design, Development, and Evaluation.

The post-lunch session turned out to be highly interactive. It included discussions on Bloom’s Taxonomy and its different levels - Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation. The attendees were engaged in various group activities.

The workshop concluded with a question and answer session. The STC learning session had a memorable impact on the participants and left them craving for more in-depth information.

Report courtesy Minal Pujari

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